The sci-fi teen drama, with action, adventure, and humor, is set in modern-day Philadelphia two years after Thaddeus Sivana’s defeat in “Shazam!” The two daughters (Hespera and Kalpso) of Titan Atlas (Hellen Mirren and Lucy Lui) broke into the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece, and stole the Wizard’s staff. The pair make a shattering entrance. Toggling back and forth between Earth and the other realms, the sisters’ central vow is to destroy Earth and its people.
In Philadelphia, Shazam’s foster siblings are drifting apart due to all growing up and pursuing other interests. Billy, AKA Shazam, is also worried about being kicked out of the Vasquez family after he turns 18 as he then ages out of the foster system. He’s got lots on his plate, yet he keeps the humor coming and the jokes flowing. Billy discovers a new love interest with ties to the Titan Atlas sisters. She is sometimes torn as Shazam has helped her out of a few situations, which leads to an exciting plot twist.
What a fun hero movie, there’s so much to love about this film. The main character is heartwarming and endearing as he questions his every move. I loved the first “Shazam” movie and enjoyed this one just as much. It’s one of those popcorn munchings; sit back and be entertained.
Sarah Knight Adamson© March 26, 2023